How to backup Microsoft 365 with Veeam and Wasabi In our case, Microsoft provides this service and, albeit doing basic protectional work with recycle bins and a certain retention time, data…
Nextcloud Hub 24 aiming at Big Tech-competition As of 2022, the need for independence, the need for data protection and privacy based on Open Source-solutions, has developed in a discreet…
Nextcloud and European Governments aiming at building a Digital Sovereign Office There must be an Office beside Redmond’s variant and, so far, Nextcloud embraced the Open Sourced-based version of Collabora Online and…
How to implement Collabora Online in Nextcloud Hub 22 using Docker The choice of a proper Office-suite is a difficult one and needs to fit to the personal needs which are, as we know, often different. While…
Deploying Portainer on a Synology-NAS Various Synology-devices support Docker, a lightweight software containerization solution. Although this works quite well out of the box…
Microsoft announces Apple Silicon-optimized Teams-client Although Microsoft was quite fast with bringing native Office desktop-apps to Apple Silicon in no time, it was quite a long journey for…
UTM — a great alternative for Apple Silicon-based desktop virtualization In November 2020, Apple launched its ARM-based M1 SoCs. Since then, many vendors adopted their software to match the new platform — not…
Tor Browser now automatically bypasses Internet censorship While the world dismantles itself in many ways these days, the need for anonymity and freedom of speech constantly rises to help speaking…
Protecting your Linux-server with CrowdSec There are many ways of equipping your system with a basic protection. UFW and Fail2Ban always did a great job and CrowdSec is yet another…
Apple is approaching the problem with nagging-CAPTCHAs in iOS 16 They belong to the latter Internet-age but, along with the basically good idea of checking whether you’re a robot or not, CAPTCHAs often…
How to implement Wasabi S3-storage in Nextcloud or Synology Hyper Backup Lately I have been testing the Cloud Object Storage made available by Wasabi. While I have always tried to get familiar with Amazon’s S3 I…
The End of an Era: The iPod is dead, long live Music! Incredible to imagine that smartphone and music-player were separated once. Years before the first iPhone and even more years before the…
Microsoft silently releases M1-optimized Teams-Client for Mac Microsoft was one of the early-adopters when it came to embrace the Apple Silicon-platform in late 2020. Over the time, many apps were…
New Work: The Rise of the Triple Peak Day Things have changed over the last years and so did the way we work in many genres. The way of classic work is vintage now and while…
Return to offices is announced, but the model of hybrid work is here to stay! COVID-19 has been one of the riders of the apocalypse during the last two years but, in one special way, it was a driver to change the way…
The Price of a Mile There’s a war raging in Europe once again. A sad fact that sends my thoughts back to World War One and the discussion for „The Price of a…
How to use Geoblocking with Nextcloud Hub II Especially during these times there may be the need to regulate the access to webservers and specific solutions running thereon.
The only thing we have to fear on the planet is man How right Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung was with this phrase is mere frightening and perfectly fits into the horrible events of, now…
Vaultwarden: Your guide to your self-hosted Bitwarden password vault Even a day after the SaferInternetDay, managing the challenging riddle to choose a specific password manager is still a tricky task…
Deploying your own Docker-ized Nextcloud Hub II-instance in no time There are many ways of successfully deploying Nextcloud depending on your knowledge. One new has now just entered the stage, making your…
Carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders We always strive for more. Higher, faster, further — there seems to be no limit in everyday life. But, sometimes, we are just vulnerable…
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, whose Face are you showing? Entering the well-known video-conferences that are our daily business since the pandemic without checking your look could bring you in…
Parallels Desktop: Your Mac’s gate to proper desktop virtualization Even if you may feel comfortable with your macOS-environment, there may be a need for running different operating systems nevertheless.
Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it — Silver Lake by Esa Holopainen Music is known to be a healing factor for the soul and an empowerment of one’s own senses but sometimes specific pieces of art stand out…
Thank you — Not all superheroes have capes! Yet another year with the „pandemic”-flag has nearly passed. A year with frustration, deprivations, disenchantment but also traces of hope…