Useful apps to enlighten your daily Mac-routine While macOS always comes along with a bunch of productivity tools (and always was a synonym for being productive and creative!) there is…
App-dated: TextSniper is aiming to put your images into words There are apps you may have never missed before but once you got to know them, you can hardly live without them.
Bartender 4: The best thing for a sense of order is a clean menu bar on macOS! As with each problem, there is a solution — before macOS Big Sur, this was Bartender in version 3 by developer surtees studios.
How to bypass Apple’s limitations and address more than two external displays with M1-based Macs While I love my 2020 MacBook Air with Apple’s outstanding M1-SoC, the disability of addressing more than one external display was the grain…
The long hard way to the perfect home office setup Working from home is no kind of extravagance nowadays: The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us that, once work must or should be done remotely…
LuLu by Objective-See: Yet another powerful firewall for your Mac In my post on Little Snitch 5 some time ago, I already stated that „a firewall is a nice and essential security building block. While it is…
Goodbye, 2020 — it just wasn’t a pleasure! In the meantime, the year with the probably biggest impact on the post-World War-generations is finally over. The new decade has just…
Microsoft 365-apps for Mac gain native M1-support While many of you already enjoy your M1-based new Macs powered by Apple Silicon SoCs, my BTO-MacBook Air still needs to make its way to me…
How to implement ONLYOFFICE in Nextcloud Hub 20 using Docker The choice of a proper Office-suite is a difficult one and needs to fit to the personal needs which are, as we know, often different. While…
Little Snitch 5 makes the successful switch to macOS 11 Big Sur A firewall is a nice and essential security building block. While it is mainly used as the perimeter to and of your network, dividing the…
Nextcloud Conference 2020 It has been a tremendous ride with Nextcloud for the last four years after the company appeared on the stage for the first time.
Why Apple One hasn’t absolutely convinced me… yet! Last Thursday, Apple announced details of upcoming features designed to detect CSAM — and the world reacted.
How to freshen up your worn-out Sophos XG Firewall with pfSense or OPNsense After accompanying Sophos for quite a long time, the security vendor seems to be stuck between two worlds lately when it comes to its two…
How to easily implement Nextcloud’s End-to-End-Encryption With the release of the latest Nextcloud-clients in the 3.x-branch, the (formerly) experimental End-to-End-Encryption was finally welcomed…
Camo is closing the quality-issue of Mac-embedded webcams Although we love our Macs, there is still one thing lacking after all those years: The integrated webcam.
Microsoft 365 & Synology: A good match for SOHO-based backups! While we tend to outsource more and more services into the cloud (and as someone who embraced the cloud since the early days!), the danger…
Tyne Cot Cemetery It was still hot and the cloudless 32° Celsius usually were the proper reason not to exit the car without the need of doing so. Anyway…
GoPro launches Mac-app which finally lets you use the HERO8 as a simple webcam COVID-19 has changed a lot, especially the worldwide demand for webcams and audio-/video conferencing hardware.
Is running the ideal kind of sporting activity for me? I have always been this soccer guy. Medium-talented, but with the ability to take the ball and deal with it until I needed to get home as…
Nextcloud Hub reaches version 19 and brings even more productivity to the home office A good wine needs some time to age but what Nextcloud has already achieved over the last four years after appearing on the stage for the…
Nitrokey releases new firmware for FIDO2 security key — and you can easily update yours! Some time ago I blogged about the option to increase the security of your online accounts by adding a hardware-based token as second…
How to strengthen your online accounts with a hardware-based security key As of today, people are more concerned about privacy than years before.
MSP360 (CloudBerry) Backup for macOS: A good way to elaborate your backup strategy „Backup early, backup often” is probably the most-commonly used term when it comes to the question of data security.
Using Nextstats to monitor your Nextcloud-instance on iOS „There’s an app for that” is one of the famous slogans we know in this age of apps. Sometimes it just needs a good idea (and the skill of…
Nextcloud: Talk 9 makes a big step forward by open sourcing the high-performance backend Nextcloud’s Talk is one of the elementary apps that comes along with the private cloud solution. Now the company based in Stuttgart…