Every year again: The blog reboot
New game, new luck - or: Another start for a new blog with thoughts that have matured over the years!

So here it is again, a new attempt to get a blog up and running - a certain history is certainly recognizable in my case, but no project has had a longer half-life. So now, it's still all about topics on and off the net, as well as a few other things.
So what I find on the net, what I do or would like to put into a blog framework in the form of tips, tutorials, news or personal impressions will be a topic here in the future. In addition to my traditional field of IT in all its variations, I will also be covering other topics such as the energy transition, music, travel and history. Self-hosting has also become a hobby that I'm sure there will be plenty to talk about.
Maintaining a focus is still not easy for me. In the end, however, I have to walk the tightrope between topics that I absolutely have to blog about and topics that interest me more personally: I know from my own experience that this is not always easy - but as I have been blogging and writing articles for over 20 years, sometimes more, sometimes less, and I hope to implement this presence permanently for once now.
The biggest challenge, apart from the name of the blog (I'm completely lost when it comes to this kind of thing - as I am with headlines, by the way), is to come up with a name.