Stopping for a moment
A bit of sentimentality from one of the most beautiful countries in the world - Norway! In everyday life, we often forget who we are and what makes us who we are.

Or we forget what we are doing something for and/or whether we like doing it. Sometimes we need to “unplug” in order to reflect - what do I want to do? Where do I want to go? Am I generally satisfied? What can I improve?
For me, the (far) north in particular is a region where all of this works wonderfully: You slow down (unfortunately not long enough!), enjoy the peace and quiet and nature and have time to reflect. If you want to meet people, you can - but you can also simply live a completely different life than at home, free from all the everyday noise, and just “be”: And everything is better with a bit of water anyway, as the sea and the surrounding nature have their own stories to tell!

It's (definitely!) not that grim up north - and together with the right company and team (Christian & Christoph, I mean you!), a week in the north, including its tranquillity and insights, is simply to be treasured - precisely because it's the way it is up there and the mentality of the people is simply completely different.
So don't forget to recharge your batteries and that you need to save energy and use it in a targeted way - the hamster wheel of everyday life catches up with us faster than we'd like!